Minecraft: Troubleshoot Performance Issues

Experiencing performance issues while playing Minecraft? In this guide, we will show you why this happen and walk you through simple steps to troubleshoot and improve your server performance.

Why does this happen?

Our servers run on top-tier hardware, and we don’t limit your RAM or CPU, so your server will always have the power it needs. However, in Minecraft, most performance issues are caused by poorly optimized settings and data uploaded to the server. The CPU is responsible for handling all the game calculations, including processing the world data, player actions, and game mechanics. If the CPU is overloaded with bad configurations or unoptimized mods, will result in lag, and delays in gameplay.

How can I Improve Server Performance?

1. Optimize Server Settings

  • Lower the View Distance: The view distance setting controls how many chunks (parts of the world) the server loads around each player. If it's set too high, the server has to load too many chunks at once, which can cause lag. Set it to around 8-10 chunks for a good balance between performance and gameplay. You can change this feature through the Settings Tab in your DatHost Control Panel or through your server’s server.properties file in the File Manager.

  • Reduce Simulation Distance: The simulation distance setting controls how far the server simulates things such as animals moving. A higher setting means the server has to do more work, which can slow things down. Lowering this distance can help the server run smoother, especially when there are a lot of players. You can also change this feature through the Settings Tab in your DatHost Control Panel or through your server’s server.properties file in the File Manager.

2. Pre-generate Your World

  • When players explore new areas, the server has to create new chunks, which can cause lag. To fix this, you can pre-generate chunks before players explore them. By using tools like the Chunky mod, you can load big parts of the world previously. This way, players won’t experience issues when they explore new areas. It might take some time, but it helps keep the game smooth once the world is all set up.

3. Check Mod Configuration

  • Mod Versions: If you're using mods on your server, it's important that all players have the same version of each mod. If players have different versions, it can cause crashes, bugs, and lag. To avoid these problems, make sure everyone is using the same mod packs and versions.

  • Temporarily Disable Mods: If you think mods are causing problems, try disabling them and adding them back one by one. This way, you can figure out which mod is causing the issue and overloading the server.

  • Remove Unnecessary Mods: Some mods can slow down your server, especially if they are bad optimized. Consider removing mods that aren't essential to your gameplay. Fewer mods means less stress on your server and better performance.

4. Install Spark & Run a Profiler

  • Spark is a tool that can help you figure out what’s going wrong. By running a profiler, you can identify performance issues and bottlenecks. Check out this guide to learn how to install and run it so you can share the results with us: Minecraft: How To Install Spark & Run a Profiler
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